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January 31 was one of the events that the children had been waiting for. It was the day BSS celebrated Chinese New Year, after 2 years of not celebrating it in school due to the pandemic. Every student seemed very enthusiastic about participating in the series of events. It is slightly different from the previous years; this year the children could not perform the Lion Dance and its accompanying gamelan. Furthermore, events were only held in the respective classroom while implementing strict health protocols.

Nevertheless, BSS tried to give the best for the children so that they could still enjoy the Chinese New Year celebration. Activities for preschool began with Morning Circle, followed by Arts and Crafts. They were also invited by the teachers to watch the Lion Dance performances even though these were online. They were also given the opportunity to play outdoor games with friends. The event for the preschool ended with the distribution of the angpao which has become a hallmark of Chinese New Year and the distribution of Mie Ayam which the children brought back to their homes.

Meanwhile, the Primary School event was no less interesting, because the children did several activities related to Chinese New Year. The children watched videos about the history of Chinese New Year so that they know more about its origins. They were also given the opportunity to play games. These were carried out in groups and used chopsticks to give the games a more oriental feel. Each child who took part in the games was given a souvenir in the form of a pencil which was distributed at the end of the game.

The Chinese New Year event was held from 10.00 – 11.45 WITA. Before and after the event, the children continued to study as usual. When it was time to go home, the children took with them a bakpao, a type of Chinese dumpling. They were also given their angpao in envelopes that they designed themselves during the Art activity.

Thank you children for joining this event! See you at the next one.



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