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First day of mixed learning

27 April 2021 was the first day for BSS to carry out the Hybrid Online-Offline learning after more than 1 year of doing Online Learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The students looked very enthusiastic as did the teachers and the entire BSS team.

We applied very strict protocols to protect each other such as: checking temperature of all individuals entering the BSS gate, parents not being allowed to get off th vehicle during drop-off and pick-up times, installing "X" sign every place that is prohibited from being accessed by students, setting class tables according to social distance, and others.

During this Hybrid Online Learning period, children are prohibited from interacting with other classes. One way to anticipate this is by not opening canteen services and not having sports lessons. For snacks and lunch, students students have it in their respective classrooms. As for sports lessons, studets have it online.

It is hoped that with this Hybrid online leaning, it can spur children to learn and overcame their boredom during online learning !


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