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Orientation Day

July 12, 2021 is the first day of the 2021/2022 educational calendar. The first day is usually used by schools as an introduction day for students and parents. This is the second time for BSS to carry out an online Primary School Orientation since the Corona pandemic. In previous years, during Orientation Day, parents were allowed to come directly to BSS. Although it was done online, it did not reduce the purpose of the orientation itself.

Student orientations were led by each Home Room Teacher while the Parents’ Orientation was led by the Principal and Vice-principal. In each class, children were given the opportunity to greet their classmates and share their experiences during the long holiday. As for new students, especially the Primary 1 students, the teachers introduced the school through a video tour of the entire school grounds so that they would know all the facilities at BSS. In addition, the teachers also explained about school rules such as: uniform rules, rules during school hours and others. They also introduced themselves in detail.

During the Parents’ Orientation, the Principal explained about the school's vision and mission, the school facilities, subjects, unit tests and exams, and class time schedule.

We hope these Orientations were able to help the parents and students to find out more about the school, the teachers and school mates.

Thank you, parents for giving time for this. We look forward to working with you in forming the children into the best that they can be.


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